Monday, August 31, 2015

DSIL & Stanford joint workshop, Aug 31-Sep 4 2015 - Day1

DSIL & Stanford (Graduate School of Education) Joint Workshop

Aug 31 - Sep 4, 2015 

Thailand is one of a few countries that leads the constructionist learning through the successes in deploying the constructionist learning in villages, vocational schools or industries.

Recently Candle Light initiative is set up to use the combination of constructionist and innovation approach to scale up the application to the next step.

“ By using the Technology for Learning to see how data can play a role in learning “

Project-Based Learning (PBL) starts by identifying problem -> then use Technology to help building solution

Data driven learning starts by Diagnosing problem -> then starts collecting data from real situation -> to develop solution

Digital Fabrication Workshop  

Goal :  To not being afraid of digging into ideas and going ahead prototyping them.

Day 1
Brainstorming technique and Group forming + Idea selection for project

Iterative design process
(Define  -  To think about problems we want to solve )

Brainstorming activity

Rules : 
-No stupids idea, actually the very first group of ideas could be the stupidest of all.
-For some first few ideas, don’t worry about feasibility; just focus on numbers
-normally ideas are generated from previous ones so in the beginning don't worry or think too much about what we can come up
-Focus on quantities, don’t judge ideas;  don’t say No (judging) but keep moving on generating.

Starts by warming up exercise.

See an image of a brick on the screen

Then in 2 mins working in pairs (this is still not a group for the real project )

On a blank A4 paper, write as many ideas as possible about how you want to do with this brick or what you want to make from using this brick 

Then, each pair picks the craziest, wildest idea from written ideas on the paper and present it to the group.

Brainstorming to get the topic to work on

In 2 mins or more, In the same pair, think of the ideas or situations which you encounters or which you would like to make it better

Or if working with Gogoboard, instead of an image of a brick, use an image of Gogoboard together with thinking about things/ situations/ … you want to make it better with Gogoboard 

With Post-it note, write one idea per one post-it and paste it on the table or the wall. Do as many as you can.

Then Pick 4 ideas from what written down and posted on  the wall to present to the group

Facilitator is to group the presented ideas into themes 
Then let all choose again which theme each would want to work on to be a project. 
By let the interested of each theme going to gather in each corner or location in the room. As a result, people who are interested in the similar theme/ topic will be grouped together.
Then in this smaller group, try to form a group of 2 -3 people to work the interested topic in this specific theme. 

To form this specific 2 -3 people group and pick the topic, it needs to be considered if the project is feasible to be completed or prototyped in specific time frame or if the topic is fit to be a data driven project; containing measurable factors, ….

In the end, the group and topic to work on are decided at the end of the first day.

Note : Interesting !!!  the facilitators in this workshop let the participants in the data driven learning workshop wear smart watch to measure the heart beating rate, sleeping habit, ….   So these data will be collected at the end of the fifth day to process the data.  This is to let the participants know first hand how the collected data are useful and meaningful by seeing the real data and their interpretations by themselves.

During the first day, the facilitators reviewed the use of Gogoboard to the participants so everyone can go ahead using Gogoboard to build the project on the next day.

PDF version

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