Saturday, August 29, 2015

DSIL Photojournalism workshop, Aug 23-28 2015 - Ban Sam Kha, Lampang

Wrap up activity - by Aj.Paowana and Aj.Taweesak

Daily debriefing - by Aj.Paowana

Soft side Activity - Matchsticks by Aj.Taweesak

Soft skill Activity - Matchsticks

(Think - Make - Reflection)

1. Divide people into 3 small groups - Each person in group takes 5 match sticks
2. Make : Start the activity by letting people coming up in the front and trying to construct the 2d (or 3d if possible) structure on the flat surface by connecting the match sticks of group members to each other
3. Each member lays down one match stick at a time and it goes on until everyone uses all the match sticks.
4. First round end, when all uses up all the match sticks. Then Show & Share starts by letting the representative of each group coming up to present the built structure.
5. Reflection : Let each group discuss why and how the structure was built. Was it done in team? How was the team working during the construction? and How to make it better next time?
6. Think : Give a chance to let each group come up with the plan to build a structure for the next round. In this time, a few paper are given to each group to use in planning either to draw an image of the structure or to write down a plan
7. Make : Start the second round by repeating the same process and ending with Show & Share.
8. Debriefing : How the work is done. Is it in team?  To come up with a decision, Voting might not be the best choice.  Can we reach an agreement using voting? because we don't usually give a lot of thought when using the voting to reach a final agreement.  There should be a better way to arrive at unanimous agreement in a decision making.

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