Thursday, May 5, 2016

Summary - How Electronic Patient Records can slow doctor productivity


Q: Is doctor's productivity slowed down by the use of EHR?
(similar situation can be asked in the regular organization attempt to transform to paperless organization)
Study shows that Large office gains from using EHR while the smaller one lose productivity

The use of EHR changes the communication level between staffs and this is why the large office gains due to the improvement of the lack of face to face communication while the small office already has high level of face to face communication thus the introduction of EHR does not improve anything relating to this element.

As physicians spent extra time entering data by themselves, it cut down time spent with patients and stretched out their work day. Thus EHR-related task often is delegated to support staff.

In summary, Use of EHR with great delegation will increase productivity in large office.

Benefits of the use of EHR:
1.USe of data
2.EHR creates chance of communication

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