Thursday, June 25, 2015

Design Thinking Exercise : GNSS Asia Challenge

Design Thinking Exercise : Learning Loop

EGO : High level of confidence and self-belief to perform

source: BBC Sport - Is a big ego crucial to achieving sporting greatness?

Cantona's Upturned Collar - Henry's Goal celebration - Ronaldo 's and Messi 's Individual manners on Pitch

Most magical moments in sport come from a place of supreme self confidence - These are the moments which last forever and create legacy and legend

Defined as "high level of confidence and self-belief to perform" , Ego is very powerful and can be the driving force behind performance.

Ronaldo vs Messi :
"Rolnaldo is very outwardly confidence, whereas Messi comes across as quiet and humble, but both have egos. We know that because of the individual manner in which they play"

"They don't see RISKS; they have a bulletproof certainty they'll produce and when an athlete has that supreme level of confidence, magic can happen"

"My EGO gave me confidence. But managing it was equally important"  Michael Johnson

HOWEVER, Only having EGO does not mean SUCCESS !!!

Questions are Is that EGO manageable?     Is it coachable?   Are they humble enough to continue to learn?  

Formula  for Greatness = (EGO + Coachability) x Learning Culture

"The equation shows that ego is the foundation of greatness but only if it is still open to being coached and criticized and there's a structure in place to help them grow"

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Nano-Satellite : Space environment testing

Typical Orbiting Satellite's Temperature

(ref: )

Temperature of the orbiting objects around the sun varies and it is based on the distance between that particular object and the sun.

Generally the space environment could cause the external parts of the Satellite to get up to an order of 100 degree Celsius temperature (this can be proven from simple thermal balance exercise)

However the components inside the Satellite will have the operating and surviving temperature as indicated in the table below.

Monday, June 22, 2015

GNSS Asia Challenge 2015

GNSS Asia Challenge
  • To compete in proposing a new innovative idea with the use of the GNSS technology

My IDEA - Inspiration : Unbearable traffic in Bangkok and the useless public transportation

Proposed Idea : "Collective Data Gathering and Processing Systems for improving Passenger's experience in traveling with the public transportation"
NEXT :  Need to prototype a simplified experiment and Listen to regular public transportation travelers for their feedbacks and suggestions

June 22, 2015 18:10

Learning MS Power APP and FLOW